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Gynaecological laser in the approach to vulvovaginal atrophy


The vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis refers to a group of symptoms related to changes in the vulva, vagina and lower genitourinary tract.

Associated with a decrease in oestrogen after menopause, this hypoestrogenisation of the genital area in women leads to a variety of anatomical, physiological and clinical changes in the urogenital area. Clinical symptoms include vaginal dryness, irritation, painful urination, difficulty having sexual intercourse and vaginal dischargeThese can occur with some medical treatments such as contraceptives, antidepressants and cancer treatments.

On examination in the postmenopausal woman, a common finding is the thinning, dryness and paleness of the vaginal mucous membraneassociated with flattening of the labia majora due to loss of the labial fat pad.

As vaginal atrophy progresses, submucosal petechial haemorrhage may be encountered, causing the vagina to vagina becomes shorter and narrower.

It is now reported that nearly 50% of postmenopausal women may have vaginal atrophy.

This percentage may be underestimated because there are still, to this day, many women who do not report these symptoms to their family doctor or gynaecologist.

Evidence suggests that vaginal atrophy has a very negative impact on women's sexual health and quality of life.

Local oestrogen treatments are currently available and we propose the use of local oestrogen. local therapy with laserIt is a simple, painless treatment, with very positive results for women, affecting their quality of life. This technique is backed by multiple studies that show great efficacy, in which very positive results are recorded in 80% of the women treated.

The combination of local laser therapy together with local oestrogen treatment leads to symptom improvement in 80% of cases.

In our clinic we apply a protocol of treatment with laser therapy associated with local oestrogen treatments, which enhance the treatment, resulting in a successful progress in 80% of the treated patients, improving symptoms and signs in the urogenital area.

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