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Laser therapy in the treatment of condyloma acuminatum on vulva and vagina


One of the viral infections that affect the genital region is the condyloma acuminatum

It is an infectious-contagious disease that is caused by the human papillomavirus which is acquired through sexual contact. Although rare, transmission by inoculation through hands or fomites is possible. The likelihood of transmission in a single coitus is between 50 to 70%The incubation period ranges from three weeks to eight months.

Clinically, they appear as wart-like, fleshy, pedunculated tumours with a red, pink or white, wart-like, wart-like, wart-like, serrated surface in the form of a cockscomb (settles on moist or rubbing areas).

It is located in the areas traumatised during sexual intercourse: vulvar fork, labia, perianal area and often affects the urethra, vagina and uterine cervix.

Its diagnosis is primarily clinical and the goals of treatment are threefold:

  • Eliminate the injury.
  • Avoid complications.
  • To reduce the risk of infection.

Methods of treatment:

  • Ablatives: laser therapyelectrosurgery and cryotherapy.
  • Excisional: surgical removal.
  • Antivirals: Interferon, cyclofovir.

For prevention we recommend the nanovalent vaccine (Gardasil 9).

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