The darkening of the skin covering the genital area, perianal area and root of the thighs is increasingly motivating more and more consultations.
While it has no functional implications and is unimportant for many women, for others it can compromise their self-esteem and even affect their sex life, as they avoid being seen by their partner at all costs.
As we have discussed in previous blogs, the full intimate depilationThis is a widespread practice today, has exposed skin which used to be naturally covered with hair.
Among the causes that can contribute to the change in skin tone at this level are factors related to the agealterations in the levels of some of the hormones such as insulin, changes associated with pregnancyfrequent use of bicyclesports such as horse ridingThe regular use of tight clothingas well as a individual predisposition to the pigmentation of some people in whom no specific risk factor can be identified.
The call genital whitening consists of correcting excess pigmentation and homogenising skin colouring at this level with that of the rest of the body depending on the breed.
At average will be necessary 3 sessionsThe duration of the programme, although it may vary from case to case, shall be of a duration of approximately 30 minutes and will be repeated at 1 month intervals to complete the proposed cycle.
A prior evaluation will be necessary in which a possible hormonal cause will be investigated, since, if it exists and is not treated, the effectiveness and durability of the treatment will be compromised.