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Genitourinary Menopausal Syndrome (GMS)


Vaginal health is now considered a fundamental and important pillar in ensuring a woman's overall care and well-being.

The decrease in oestrogen levels, typical of the menopause, results in atrophic changes that affect the urinary tract and the genital area, especially the vagina. Unlike hot flushes and night sweats, atrophy does not improve with the passage of time, but on the contrary gets progressively worse, compromising the sexual health and quality of life of patients. It can affect up to 45% of middle-aged and post-menopausal women.

The most common symptom is vaginal dryness followed by painful intercourse and other symptoms such as itching, stinging, burning sensation, increased vaginal discharge and urinary incontinence.

The main aim of treatment will be to alleviate symptoms.

Among the treatments that have traditionally been used for this purpose, the application of lasers has emerged in recent years as an innovative and effective alternative.

The treatment of these patients requires specialist assessment.

At Ginecenter we want to improve the quality of life of women who suffer from these symptoms with the vaginal laser, with the aim of alleviating these discomforts and recovering the function, structure and vitality of the genital organs.

There is growing scientific evidence on the efficacy of laser therapies in these cases, being a non-hormonal, effective, simple, tolerated therapeutic option with no adverse effects.

These sessions are based on the stimulation of collagen formation leading to the revitalisation of the vaginal and urethral wall. 

The application of gynaecological laser is compatible with the use of other therapies such as hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma.   

Usually 3-5 sessions are applied, although the number of sessions will depend on each case, the duration does not exceed one hour.

It is performed on an outpatient basis, without surgery and without anaesthesia.

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